Do you accept if your ex comes again into ur life?

27 answers
  • honestly no
    1 year
  • Your answer...
    1 year
  • When there is hope, but I don't hope for better.
    1 year
  • Fuk NO!!!
    1 year
  • They are an ex for a reason. Just move on.
    1 year
  • Lol
    1 year
  • I want a girl for fun 💦
    1 year
  • Hath mc
    1 year
  • Hiii
    1 year
  • No
    1 year
  • I gave many chances to my ex, but no more chance.
    1 year
  • Yes
    1 year
  • No
    1 year
  • Hell no
    1 year
  • Hi
    1 year
  • Nah hes casper he likes to ghost so hes dead n gone to me 🙂
    1 year
  • i have im engaged to my ex bf but he makes me happy again
    1 year
  • Why not ...yaaa
    1 year
  • No , not again
    1 year
  • Depends why they have left in the first place
    1 year
  • dont have an ex
    1 year
  • Honestly i say no
    1 year
  • Da X pipz r fat
    1 year
  • nope
    1 year
  • Yes bcoz they are also become part of my life and if still wanna connect with still fine i just move on and forget the past with no hard feelings
    1 year
  • Never...!! Want him again...!!
    1 year
  • hell no!!!!
    1 year

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