do you believe in gravity ?

11 answers
  • Is gravity the new conspiracy theory? What do you think pulls masses towards each other, elves? Luckily gravity doesn't care if we believe in it.
    10 months
  • Sure there's gravity
    10 months
  • Do you believe in the ground you walk on?
    10 months
  • in the sky yes
    10 months
  • gravity is an incredibly well-established scientific concept supported by a plethora of evidence and experiments. It's the force that keeps our feet f
    10 months
  • firmly on the ground
    10 months
  • It doesn't matter whether someone believes in it or not, it exists regardless. Dumb question tbh
    10 months
  • as I can see no one has ths JoJo reference... thats sad lmao
    10 months
  • Are you serious?🤣
    10 months
  • y'all cant think thats sad
    10 months
  • Do you believe in air? I hear it's just some conspiracy by the plants
    10 months

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