Do you prefer texting or talking on the phone and why?

20 answers
  • Texting because I hate being forced to talk to people
    9 months
  • By phone!!
    9 months
  • Sometimes I like to text when I feel like writing. My brain is connected to my fingers. And then other times talk.... find out the real person.
    9 months
  • texting because calling means I have to dorp everything I am doing at the moment to focus on the call and that's annoying
    9 months
  • *drop
    9 months
  • Texting because it takes less effort than a call, especially to those you don't really want to talk to
    9 months
  • Calling because i want to hear their voice :D
    9 months
  • Both caused why not
    9 months
  • Texting. I do not like to talk to people. I am a introvert.
    9 months
  • Calling is preferred. But texting will do at times
    9 months
  • I prefer texting ay first then probably talk when I'm already comfortable with the other person
    9 months
  • It depends on what's going on
    9 months
  • Talking, so my fingers can rest.
    9 months
  • Calling because it's feel real and focused
    9 months
  • If anyone want to talk to me dm me
    9 months
  • prefer talking on the phone so much easier than texting
    9 months
  • Voices are like arseholes. Everyone has one, but some aren't pretty.
    9 months
  • Text first. When sure they r real,talk onPhone. No joke, lot catfish, Caucasian but India accent? Too much India
    9 months
  • Talking on the phone, prevents miscommunication.
    9 months
  • Texting.. while talking you cannot avoid things but while texting u can..
    9 months

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