Do you supress your emotions?

10 answers
  • Sometimes, depends on what the emotion is, and what is causing it.
    4 months
  • @ times
    4 months
  • yes, always, I practice the kolinhar
    4 months
  • Depends on 2nd person
    4 months
  • It's not healthy to suppress all your emotions, but yes I've always done it.
    4 months
  • ❤️❤️❤️
    4 months
  • Unfortunately I suppress my anger a lot
    4 months
  • When I feel like it
    4 months
  • No, I don't suppress my emotions. I fully integrate and have power over them instead. I dominate my emotions and and express them appropriately...
    4 months
  • Yes. As long as it is for respect. It depends if the person involve is worth my suppression. Worth my respect!
    4 months

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