Donating money does less than donating time-agree or disagree?

19 answers
  • Each case is important to the perception of the receiver. Poor people in Africa will like to have money. Lonely rich people will like to have the Time
    9 months
  • Your time can be more valuable, and more efficient. Why use money that you spent time for, when it's better to just give your time in the first place?
    9 months
  • 👏👏👏
    9 months
  • @intellectchat-the question is about how you perceive it,not the receiving part 😉
    9 months
  • @Milana, i wanna receive and give both money and time.^^
    9 months
  • @mathteacher27-for sure,as long as they serve the purpose and kill all them buggs flying around 😂
    9 months
  • Agree mostly. Some good causes really need the money sometimes. And some causes we can't possibly donate our time too.
    9 months
  • i agree with you Milana
    9 months
  • i need money so i worked hard. but i have less time to see my loved ones... :( its hard to weigh things sometimes...
    9 months
  • Yeah ,mostly
    9 months
  • Most charities need both money and time, so people can have a strong impact on an organization by donating either resource
    9 months
  • In actuality, a high proportion of volunteers also make financial donations to the organization
    9 months
  • they volunteer with, so people should consider donating and volunteering
    9 months
  • Yes easy. Donating money takes no effort. Nothing invested. Just write a check and walk away. Donating time is the real treasure.
    9 months
  • Agree
    9 months
  • @intellectchat bro why u gotta involve africa 🙄🙄😒😒
    9 months
  • Both of them are important in life and situations just decide which one is more necessary
    9 months
  • Time is money, cause if you give someone enough money they could use it to buy a watch
    8 months
  • I rather to give money, and receive other time
    8 months

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