How is to be lonely?

11 answers
  • To be lonely is like to be in anything, mean, have both sides, sometimes loneliness is good, sometimes its not. Better to be alone an not lonely.
    9 months
  • Yh
    9 months
  • just stay in your room and lay on your bed and do nothing
    9 months
  • There are good and bad sides to you, it's only bad if it's an issue to you
    9 months
  • Feeling alone among people surrounding you is harsh but when you use to be alone, it may hurt but it becomes easy within time
    9 months
  • Yeah , feels a lot better to just be on your own you get like so overwhelmed by all the loud noises so it keeps you away from everyone else
    9 months
  • Peaceful
    9 months
  • go away from people and feel yrself
    9 months
  • sometimes it sucks and sometimes its great, depends on my mood
    9 months
  • Peacefull. I can think more clearly.
    9 months
  • Lol you are funny.
    5 months

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