Hug me if I’m wrong, but dinosaurs still exist, right?

17 answers
  • Hello how are you doing today
    2 years
  • Sorta. They say today's birds are their closest living ancestor.
    2 years
  • they do but in form of birds i guess? idk
    2 years
  • paleontologists have made a pretty much open-and-shut case that dinosaurs never really went extinct at all; they merely evolved into birds, which are
    2 years
  • well you are correct. no hugs for you
    2 years
  • Fuck me if I am wrong, but you are blonde, aren't you?
    2 years
  • An alligator is considered a dinosaur
    2 years
  • I suspect you've had lots of hugs
    2 years
  • Screw me 😜 if I am wrong, but mobile has no battery
    2 years
  • Hug is expression b/w two lip connection
    2 years
  • You maybe right but u still deserve an hug
    2 years
  • actually yeah they do! there's a lot of animals/creatures that still exist from the dino era (komodo dragon, crocodiles, etc) does that count? lol
    2 years
  • 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
    2 years
  • 🤗 for you because yes like mayca said there are many animals that survived from the dinosaur age like crocodiles snakes turtles lizards etc
    2 years
  • True, my friend call me a dinosaur once. I think that counts.
    1 year
  • There area great many larger animals that have gone extinct. We find thier bones scattered in mountain tops amidst large scale marine fossils scattere
    1 year
  • Broken Bear is bullshitting us.
    1 year

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