In your opinion how many days does it takes to change a bad habit?

13 answers
  • With strong determination, you can make it happen in 2 to 3 weeks of time. Be focus towards your goal.
    1 year
  • That's a tough one. Some u can break quickly with determination. Some I guess I'll carry to my grave and never be able to break them.
    1 year
  • 21 days if the person stays focused on breaking the habit not to repeat it
    1 year
  • A study says 21 days is enough to you break free from something or start a new habit exercise and things like that.
    1 year
  • There’s scientific evidence that if you do something for so many days consecutively it makes new neural pathways and then becomes normal. Search it
    1 year
  • Some can take years. Like drinking and smoking ciggs. It all depends on your willpower.
    1 year
  • It can take some time like probably 2 months but it depends on who you are
    1 year
  • Years.
    1 year
  • Depends on a person
    1 year
  • Uh if you are really determined the about a couple months or years
    1 year
  • 40 days
    1 year
  • A month I guess
    1 year
  • Determination to change that habit... So it depends
    1 year

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