Is ignoring someone a sign of cowardice or wisdom?

12 answers
  • It can be both brother. Just depends on the situation.
    2 weeks
  • i agree with the gentleman above
    2 weeks
  • Same i agree with Record Man
    2 weeks
  • I’ll go with the second option,wisdom considered power,of forgiving n Forbearance when others can’t Bcs let’s be wise guys in the above example
    2 weeks
  • If the person in this case ain’t wise enough to commit silent he’ll keep arguing with no proves n nonsense n this behavior added to weak coward ppl
    2 weeks
  • And wise men already knows (silent is the first wisdom rule) n silent is the first knowledge rule) in wisdom ppl world
    2 weeks
  • I think it's both depends on the reason why you ignored a person.
    2 weeks
  • Based on my experience it’s a Wisdom
    2 weeks
  • Zakarya, i know you’re a wise man, but sometimes people get scared or have fear or awkward and end up ignoring, not necessarily for a bad reason
    2 weeks
  • Sometimes it’s best to move in silence
    2 weeks
  • Ommmmmmm
    2 weeks
  • You all give nicely answers !!
    2 weeks

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