why are you lying every time someone asks how are you?

11 answers
  • Because if I tell them my problem they will do nothing about so why waste my breath
    8 months
  • Because nobody really wants to know the truth
    8 months
  • its too much work tbh
    8 months
  • and tf should i tell u
    8 months
  • caused people don't want to know what is wrong
    7 months
  • bcz if better if you lie then tell how you really are feeling
    7 months
  • people wont even give a damm fuck
    7 months
  • they just come seak for what they came for and pff gone
    7 months
  • Fuck yes,I get treated differently if they actually hear it
    7 months
  • Because nobody actually cares just ignores if say something other than "good" anyways
    7 months
  • You can say not fine.. that's completely alight..
    7 months

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