why boys just wanna have fun and leave u if they didn't get what they want from u?

12 answers
  • Trust issues.
    1 year
  • The answer to your question is in your question. They're boys they do childish stuff. Find a Man and you'll instantly see a difference
    1 year
  • Also because men know women see guys as human atm machines and a dude is just trying to get laid.
    1 year
  • Seems like a terrible experience. Like you have met the worst of us. Men doing that only see you as a tool to get off. No tool needed after getting of
    1 year
  • Grow the fuck up
    1 year
  • Depend.FewWantLuv.Other,justSex.Other,disrespectWomen as sexSlave.Btw,We didn't behaveLike that,only slxx/GoldDigger.WeWant2HavFun2But notHurtin Any1
    1 year
  • Because most guys are full of lust and no respect
    1 year
  • Don't pay too much attention to those who chose to leave,their choose,their loss
    1 year
  • Sorry,meant choice 🤣
    1 year
  • Cuz girls leave u way before then blame you when they leave
    1 year
  • Most boys ride a bicycle first and then ride a bike
    5 months
  • youre most likely choosing the wrong people, thats why they’re all like that, its still hard to find a decent person though, any gender
    2 weeks

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