Why there are people that leaves u suddenly without any goodbye?

15 answers
  • Cause some people are rude and don't have any manners. And to be fair maybe some died.
    1 year
  • bec they horrible people mate
    1 year
  • Cause they just can't say goodbye. Probably don't know how or simply scared or a coward
    1 year
  • Ghosted it. Narccist, selfish, rude, coward & couldn't deal wit the truth. They r afraid 2give us an answer they couldn't lie.Better off without them.
    1 year
  • To avoid having tough conversations. They rather disappear to avoid it
    1 year
  • Lack of manners
    1 year
  • Maybe they bored
    1 year
  • Good bye 👋
    1 year
  • They're afraid to say it cause if they do, they might not even leave you even if they have to.. Cause they dont want to see us crying or be sad
    1 year
  • They don’t want drama
    1 year
  • Must be the one who just wanted something, or some sort of work done and asa they got their work done they leave ... Without else saying anything...
    1 year
  • Good bye
    1 year
  • Serenity
    1 year
  • Beacause peaple are just affraid
    1 year
  • its hard to say goodbye
    1 year

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