How do you know if you're depressed or just sad?

12 answers
  • Depression is a mental illness and greatly interferes with you daily live, while sadness is a temporary state.
    10 months
  • i have no idea grezz
    10 months
  • Tbh I don’t think it even matters. Same feeling for both :)
    10 months
  • It really helped a lot guys, seems like I've been feeling sad lately
    10 months
  • I think the best way to tell the difference is when you're sad you eat to feel better but when you're truly depressed you starve yourself
    10 months
  • ^this is the answer, lol
    10 months
  • You lose interest in things you once liked, you sleep and eat a lot not caring for your appearance.
    10 months
  • sadness is only a price of depression. Lose of motivation, sleep/hunger issues, self-esteem issues, and how long these occur for is what to look for
    10 months
  • you don't feel any urge to talk to someone or share anything from my perspective anywayss
    10 months
  • It's like don't want to live tried to attempt Sucide that's what I got I am depressed
    10 months
  • Sad is when you cry out loud / silent but depression is you can't even cry and u don't want to be around people, loss of appetite, and just want to be
    8 months
  • Alone
    8 months

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