What's your reaction gonna be if your friend kissed your crush

12 answers
  • Gonna feel heavy at my heart !
    1 year
  • just think it's okay until I realize it's not
    1 year
  • N/A. I have no friends.
    1 year
  • Nothing cz can't change what has happened
    1 year
  • Id be shocked but then id get over it
    1 year
  • Well if you're an actual human being you'll be pissed off.
    1 year
  • Really bad 😂 it’s happened but when you do it to a friend it doesn’t feel fantastic either
    1 year
  • My reaction: 🙃🪓🔪
    1 year
  • Punch his lights out
    1 year
  • Definitely shocked but will feel funny or happy for my friend
    1 year
  • I'd walk away from the friendship and forget the crush,they aren't worth my time anymore.
    1 year
  • angry and not be there friend no more
    1 year

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